What is the closest city in california to phoenix arizona?

The closest zip code to the midpoint is 92220. The exact coordinates of latitude and longitude are 33° 55' 7 N and 116° 47' 14 W.

What is the closest city in california to phoenix arizona?

The closest zip code to the midpoint is 92220. The exact coordinates of latitude and longitude are 33° 55' 7 N and 116° 47' 14 W. The nearest major city that is approximately halfway is San Bernardino, California. The total driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to California is 566 miles or 911 kilometers.

The total driving distance from California City, CA to Phoenix, AZ is 423 miles or 681 kilometers. The total distance from California City, CA to Phoenix, AZ is 357 miles. The distance from downtown Phoenix to the nearest city, Tempe, is 11.4 miles, or 18.3 kilometers away. The nearest town, Laveen Village, is 11.4 miles or 18.3 kilometers away.

Now let's say you have a private jet and can fly the fastest possible straight line between California City (California) and Phoenix (Arizona). Because of the curvature of the Earth, the shortest distance is actually the distance of the great circle, or in a straight line, which is calculated using an iterative Vincenty formula. You can obtain the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to determine the best route to travel to your destination. Phoenix is also close to the Nevada state border; Las Vegas in Nevada is 296.7 miles or 477.4 kilometers away.

Let's say you're actually planning a road trip to Phoenix and want to stop along the way to rest. In addition to the abundant sunlight, Phoenix's location on the map makes it an ideal place to start on the road. The following list shows the distance from Phoenix to the major cities of California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. The following list shows the distance between Phoenix and nearby cities, towns or areas that have a smaller population in the United States.

The distance calculator helps you determine the distance it is to get from California City, CA to Phoenix, AZ. If you're looking for a meeting place or a good stopover half an hour or a half way between Los Angeles and Phoenix, you can try Desert Center, CA, which is located about 2 and a half hours east of Los Angeles or about 3 hours west of Phoenix.

Eloise Dingeldein
Eloise Dingeldein

Certified web ninja. General tv advocate. Wannabe music expert. Infuriatingly humble food junkie. Unapologetic food lover. Avid tv maven.

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