What Arizona city is closest to California?

The distance from Yuma to the nearest city, Fortuna Foothills, is 14.5 miles, or 23.3 kilometers away. The nearest town of Somerton is 10.9 miles or 17.5 kilometers away.

What Arizona city is closest to California?

The distance from Yuma to the nearest city, Fortuna Foothills, is 14.5 miles, or 23.3 kilometers away. The nearest town of Somerton is 10.9 miles or 17.5 kilometers away. The nearest major city that is approximately half way is San Bernardino, California. The total driving distance from Phoenix, AZ to California is 566 miles or 911 kilometers.

The shortest route between Arizona and Los Angeles is 835.38 km according to the route planner. If you compare the average cost of living in Phoenix, Arizona and Los Angeles, California, you'll find that California is much more expensive than AZ. Other large cities and towns in Southern Arizona include Ajo, Casa Grande, Gila Bend, Oro Valley, Sierra Vista, Yuma, and the border cities of Nogales and Douglas. The state of Oregon to the north, by the states of Nevada and Arizona to the east, by the Mexican state of Baja California to the south and by the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Distance between Arizona and California The driving distance or travel distance between Arizona to California is 1183 KM and 499 meters. The list below shows the distance from Yuma to the major cities of California, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Utah. California is bordered by Oregon to the north, Arizona to the southeast, and Nevada to the northeast and east. Look for hotels in the midpoint of the city to divide your trip, or explore other nearby cities and discover local cities during your trip.

The main cities between Phoenix and Los Angeles are Anaheim, Greater Palm Springs, Palm Springs, Temecula, Laguna Beach, Joshua Tree National Park, Riverside, Newport Beach, Palm Desert and Huntington Beach. Distance from Arizona to Los Angeles The shortest distance (straight line) between Arizona and Los Angeles is 658.59 km. Arizona is located in the southwestern quadrant of the contiguous states, bordered by California to the west, Nevada to the northwest, Utah to the north, New Mexico to the east and the Mexican state of Sonora to the south. The Colorado River The Colorado River serves as a common boundary for Arizona and California and a part of the boundary for Arizona and Nevada.

Eloise Dingeldein
Eloise Dingeldein

Certified web ninja. General tv advocate. Wannabe music expert. Infuriatingly humble food junkie. Unapologetic food lover. Avid tv maven.

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